Acupuncture for weight loss

Many people struggle with their weight at some point in their lives and shedding those extra kilos can be difficult.Qiute often they turn to the latest diet,meal replacement shakes or quick-fix pill.

Chinese medicine views weight gain as a sign of an imbalance within the body and works to help the underlying cause of the weight gain.While there may be many reasons for weight gain the most common cause can be attributed to ‘spleen qi deficiency’.

Spleen qi deficiency leads to poor digestion and a reduction in the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food,making weight-loss extremely difficult.

Often people with spleen qi deficiency will experience symptoms of exhaustion, bloating, bowel irregularity, allergies, and low immunity.

Chinese medicine works to restore the flow of qi in the body using several different methods, at 777HEALTHCARE we offer the following methods to assist you in reaching your weight loss goals.

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome can often lead to an increased risk of developing more serious health problems. Some of the conditions that can be alleviated with the help of Chinese medicine and acupuncture include: 1) Weight loss. 2)High blood pressure. 3)High blood sugar, diabetes symptoms